Vans RV-7A
With a very young (150-hour-young) frame, and polished aluminium finish, the engine has now been returned to its original Carburettor setup (with electronic ignition) by a LAME! A fresh annual has also just been completed for the sale (August 2024).
The engine was bulk-stripped and re-conditioned prior to fitment. A beautifully manufactured machine, ready to delight its next owner, for around half the 2024 build cost!
Primary (engine / propeller 1)
MGL iEFIS 10.4" Challenger, backup Altimeter & VSI, Transponder (inbuilt to EFIS), Garmin GTR200 VHF Com radio, autopilot, landing light, electric trim and flaps, cockpit and map lights.
Sea Level @ 75% power